03/27/2025 / By S.D. Wells
We’re not talking about mineral-loaded sea salt here folks. Table salt and the salt used in most conventional processed foods and most restaurant saltshakers is mined from underground deposits and then heavily processed to remove minerals. Sea salt is completely different because it comes from evaporated ocean water or saltwater lakes and retains important trace minerals, so it’s healthy for you. Big Food and Big Pharma love to run studies about the dangers of high-salt diets, but they never distinguish between the two major kinds of salt, which breeds confusion for the masses who might stop eating the healthy kind.
A new study conducted by scientists at Nanjing Medical University reveals that people who eat too much of the BAD KIND of salt, processed and iodized white table salt, are eventually likely to suffer from depression, not just heart problems. The test was conducted using mice and the high-salt diets activated immune cells that produce a certain inflammatory molecule IL-17A that triggers depression-like behaviors.
One in every four Americans is depressed, thirty percent are overweight, and half of those folks are obesely overweight. No wonder. Processed foods are killing people right and left, and the processed salt in those foods is a major culprit, leading to high blood pressure, strokes and depression. The Western “diet” is a killer, of the body and the mind, and that’s science-backed. For that, one can say, the “science is settled.”
Depressed, fat and stressed? Switch from table salt to sea salt. Stop eating all those MSG and nitrate-loaded processed junk-science foods and eat some whole organic fruits and vegetables. You can even put some grass-fed butter and sea salt on those hot veggies! Don’t let your quack MD talk you out of ALL SALT, because quack MDs won’t distinguish between table salt and sea salt. They don’t know anything about nutrition. It’s sad.
Now, those same MDs will be telling all of their patients to stop eating salt, but they won’t say which kind, so people who stop consuming sea salt will most likely be missing out on key trace minerals the body wants and needs. Welcome to America, where bad health advice is abundant and good health advice is censored.
The average American diet contains a whopping 3,400 mg of processed, iodized, toxic sodium daily — far exceeding the American Heart Association’s recommended maximum of 2,300 mg. Fast food meals often deliver an entire day’s worth of this toxic kind of sodium in a single meal. They should call “Happy Meals” depression meals instead.
Depressed and stressed? Don’t take SSRIs as they come with horrific side effects of suicidal tendencies. Just clean up your food intake and boost your dopamine naturally with mucuna extracts, vitamin D, oregano oil, and watermelon. That sounds like fun.
Eat more home-cooked meals with organic ingredients and sea salt. Cut out all processed foods. Buy organic nuts, seeds and berries. Never eat canola oil or seed oils, like sunflower and safflower and corn oil. Read the ingredients on everything. Big Food and Big Pharma hate when you do your research.
Tune your food news frequency to FoodSupply.news and get updates on more toxic foods and food shortages coming to stores near you.
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Tagged Under:
clean food watch, Dangerous, depression salt, food science, food supply, frankenfood, grocery, health science, iodized salt, mental health, Mind, mind body science, minerals, poison, processed salt, salt, sea salt, Table Salt, toxic ingredients, toxic salt, toxins, white salt
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